Befriend Hub
The Befriend Hub (now known as beyond the call) is a telephone and home befriending service available to people who are 60+ years and resident in the Strabane, Omagh or Fermanagh district. The service is delivered by Strabane Community Project in partnership with the Omagh Volunteer Centre.
Our Phone Service:
Every morning our volunteers will make daily calls to check on your wellbeing at a time that suits you. If there is no answer the volunteer will follow up to make sure you are safe and well. They can also provide information that could support you to to continue to live independently and feel connect to your community.
Our Home Befriending Service:
Our coordinator will visit you at home to assess your needs and interests. When we have found a suitable volunteer, we will arrange an introductory visit. If you both feel comfortable with the match, a visiting schedule will be agreed. Visits are usually once a week.
We accept self refferrals, or referrals from someone involved in providing care, such as a family member or healthcare provider.
If you are interested in this service you can contact Micky Cook, the Strabane Coordinator for the Befriend Hub.
For news and updates, check out our facebook page for The Befriend Hub.